Management Structure and Scope of Powers and Duties
As per Section 54 of the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010), BTFP Fund Management Committee has been appointed with NBTC Chairman being the Chairman of the Committee and NBTC Secretary being a member and Secretary of the Committee. The Committee shall make up of four members holding a position in government agencies which included Permanent Secretary of The Prime Minister’s Office, Secretary-General of National Economics and Social Development Board, Comptroller-General and Director of National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, including other five qualified members with fields of knowledge and experience in relation to BTFP objectives which included personnel development and broadcasting media profession, television media, universal service obligation and telecommunication services for the underprivileged group, consumer rights protection or promotion of citizens rights and freedom and lastly the promotion and protection of rights of the underprivileged group. Meanwhile, the Office of Research and Development Fund which is regulated by NBTC shall be responsible for administrative operation and supporting the operation of BTFP Fund Management Committee as well as general operations namely general administrative works, drafting of relevant notifications or regulations, planning, financial management, fund appropriations, accounting and accounting system, reports compilation and presentation, public relations and project analysis to ensure they are in line with the set up BTFP objectives, including any other assigned tasks.
In addition, the scope of powers and duties of BTFP Fund Management Committee as per Section 55 of the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010) shall be as follows:
- To manage BTFP operations.
- To propose opinions concerning BTFP fund appropriations for expenditures in accordance with the set up BTFP objectives to be approved by NBTC
- To issue rules and regulations in relation to maintenance, expenditures, accounting and account system.
- To disclose details concerning BTFP appropriations of fund and related performance to the general public via NBTC electronic media.
Apart from the prescribed BTFP Fund Management Committee, four Sub-Committees have also been appointed as per Section 33 of the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010) and the resolution of BTFP Meeting No. 4/2016 to be assigned with different tasks in order to support the operations of BTFP Fund Management Committee as follows:
Sub-Committee on Screening of Projects and Budgets Supported by BTFP
Sub-Committee on Screening of Projects and Budgets Supported by BTFP is responsible for supporting the operations of BTFP Fund Management Committee by considering and screening projects and budgets supported by BTFP and shall possess the following scope of powers and duties:
- To propose opinions regarding the determination of criteria, procedure and process for consideration and screening of projects requesting supports from BTFP.
- To consider and screen projects and budgets requesting supports from BTFP before proposing to BTFP Fund Management Committee.
- To coordinate and cooperate with or support joint operations with relevant agencies.
- To suggest the appointment of a working team(s) for assisting the works of the Sub-Committee as deemed necessary and appropriate.
- To invite relevant persons or agencies to give information or opinions that will be beneficial to the operations of the Sub-Committee.
- To report on operational progress and performance to BTFP Fund Management Committee at least once a quarter.
- To perform any other tasks assigned by BTFP Fund Management Committee.
Sub-Committee on BTFP Projects Monitoring and Evaluation
Sub-Committee on BTFP Projects Monitoring and Evaluation has been established to support the operations of BTFP Fund Management Committee by monitoring and evaluating projects supported by BTFP to ensure they are carried out in an orderly and efficient manner. The scope of powers and duties of Sub-Committee on BTFP Projects Monitoring and Evaluation are as follows:
- To propose suggestions and opinions on the framework for monitoring and evaluating projects supported by BTFP to BTFP Fund Management Committee for consideration.
- To monitor and evaluate the outcomes following project spending to ensure it is line with BTFP objectives, including proposing actions for improvement to ensure better efficiency.
- To study, collect and prepare reports on the efficiency and effectiveness of BTFP expenditures as per Section 52 of the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010) to be submitted to BTFP Fund Management Committee for consideration.
- To conduct annual performance appraisal to be presented to BTFP Fund Management Committee for consideration.
- To coordinate and cooperate with or support joint operations with relevant agencies.
- To suggest the appointment of a working team(s) for assisting the works of the Sub-Committee as deemed necessary and appropriate.
- To invite relevant persons or agencies to give information or opinions that will be beneficial to the operations of the Sub-Committee.
- To report on operational progress and performance to BTFP Fund Management Committee at least once a quarter.
- To perform any other tasks assigned by BTFP Fund Management Committee.
Sub-Committee on BTFP Policies and Strategic Plans Promotion and Implementation
Sub-Committee on BTFP Policies and Strategic Plans Promotion and Implementation is responsible for supporting the operations of BTFP Fund Management Committee by promoting and ensuring efficient implementation of BTFP policies and strategic plans so that it is in line with BTFP objectives. The scope of powers and duties of Sub-Committee on BTFP Policies and Strategic Plans Promotion and Implementation as per the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010) shall be as follows:
- To propose opinions on BTFP policies and strategic plans for revision and improvement of such policies and strategic plans, including drafting BTFP Annual Operational Plan.
- To propose opinions on the determination of policy on BTFP fund appropriations for the projects specified by BTFP Fund Management Committee (Project Type II) and framework for supporting compliance with the laws relating to Safe and Creative Media Development Fund as per Section 52 (5) of the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010).
- To give opinions regarding the preparation of Term of Reference (TOR) for the projects specified by BTFP Fund Management Committee (Project Type II).
- To propose opinions on the determination of rules and procedures for maintenance, expenditures, accounting and accounting system to BTFP Fund Management Committee for consideration.
- To give opinions on BTFP management to ensure efficiency and stability.
- To study, collect and present the estimated annual budget to BTFP Fund Management Committee for consideration to ensure all BTFP expenditures are carried out in efficient manner and in line with the defined strategic plan.
- To coordinate and cooperate with NBTC on the determination of BTFP policies and appropriations to promote integration and optimal efficiency.
- To coordinate and cooperate with or support joint operations with relevant agencies.
- To invite relevant persons or agencies to give information or opinions that will be beneficial to the operations of the Sub-Committee.
- To report on operational progress and performance to BTFP Fund Management Committee at least once a quarter.
- To perform any other tasks assigned by BTFP Fund Management Committee.
Sub-Committee on BTFP Financial Risk Management
Sub-Committee on BTCP Financial Risk Management is responsible for supporting the operations of BTFP Fund Management Committee and shall possess the following scope of powers and duties:
- To prepare policies, rules and practices concerning BTFP investment based on risk level and appropriate returns to be submitted to BTFP Fund Management Committee for consideration.
- To monitor and regulate BTFP fund management and report operational performance to BTFP Fund Management Committee.
- To perform any other tasks assigned by BTFP Fund Management Committee.
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