Established on December 20, 2010 as per the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010), the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Research and Development Fund for Public Interest (BTFP) which is an organization under the supervision of Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) was set up to fulfill the objectives in Section 52 which consists of ensuring complete service availability and accessibility, promoting and supporting research and development, personnel development and consumer protection regarding broadcasting, television and telecommunications services and supporting compliance with the laws in relation to Safe and Creative Media Development Fund (SCF). Later, additional objective has been added as per the Notification of National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO Notification) No. 80/2014 concerning budget supports by allowing the Ministry of Finance to borrow from BTFP fund for the purpose of conducting government operations for public interest.
BTFP management and appropriation of fund are strictly conformed to legal requirements by appointing BTFP Fund Management Committee of which NBTC Chairman is the Chairman of the Committee and NBTC Secretary is a member and Secretary of the Committee. The appointed BTFP Fund Management Committee is also made up of four members holding a position in government agencies which included Permanent Secretary of The Prime Minister’s Office, Secretary-General of National Economics and Social Development Board, Comptroller-General and Director of National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, including other five qualified members with knowledge and experiences in relation to BTFP objectives. BTFP Fund Management Committee shall have the power and duties as stipulated in Section 55 of the Act on Organization to Assign Radio Frequency and to Regulate the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Services B.E. 2553 (2010) which shall include managing BTFP fund; proposing opinions concerning BTFP fund appropriations for expenditures in accordance with the set up BTFP objectives to be approved by NBTC; issuing rules and regulations in relation to maintenance, expenditures, accounting and account system; disclosing details concerning BTFP appropriations of fund and related performance to the general public via NBTC electronic media. Meanwhile, the Office of Research and Development Fund which is regulated by NBTC shall be responsible for administrative operation and supporting the operation of BTFP Fund Management Committee as well as general operations to ensure they are in line with the set up BTFP objectives.
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