“EU-Belgium” amazed Thailand’s 3G auction

reaffirming that high auction price  brings bad results while NBTC is getting ready for the next auction of 1800 MHz    
Dr. Suthiphon’s mission to Brussels was to open serious talks on the topic of spectrum auction with EU telecommunication agencies and clear up all doubts. Meanwhile, “EU-Belgium” was dazzled by Thailand’s 3G auction. EU experiences confirm that high auction prices bring only bad results and directly affect consumers.

Dr. Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn, a member of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC)’s telecom committee revealed that  “My mission to Brussels, Belgium, during 20-23 May 2013 was to discuss with the European Union (EU)’s telecommunication and regulatory agencies there. I had a chance to meet with Ms. Linda Steneberg Corugedo, Director for Cooperation, European Commission DG Connect, an agency responsible for overseeing and monitoring the EU telecommunications to be in line with the EU regulations. Major topics discussed at the meeting included creating better understanding with EU member countries on the NBTC Notification on Stipulation of Prohibitions on Actions in the Nature of Foreign Dominance B.E. 2555 to respond Norway’s complaint on such Notification.  After explaining and giving clear information, the EU delegates have correct understanding and reassured that they will assist to convey the information so that these doubts can be cleared up.”

“The second agency we met is the Independent Regulators Group (IRG). I spent precious moment with Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, Chairman of the Greek National Regulatory Authority, and is also the Chairman of IRG and BEREC. The Independent Regulators Group (IRG) is responsible for overseeing telecommunications in the country whereas the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC) is responsible for overseeing telecommunications in EU countries.”

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