Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) via Automatic Telephone System

Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) via Automatic Telephone System2553

From 2009 – 2010, Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission had supported Thailand Association of the Blind in initiating a project called “Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) via Automatic Telephone System” with the aim to help to promote a better life quality among the visually impaired nationwide. The project results can be summarized into three following phases: Phase 1 (from 2009 – 2010)  – focused on expanding the current service system provided by the Association by changing contact number to four digits (which is 1414) and service name to “Hotline 1414”, including increasing the numbers of lines from 30 to 90 and promoting the production of useful contents that can help to enhance better life quality according to the standard of DAISY audio books which can be easily accessed by dialing 1414 and select the required section such as news updates for the blind and the disabled, daily news from various medias and even a variety of books from the National Library of the Blind and Printdisable. These information are made available in audio book format, making it a telephone-accessed audio library system.

Phase 2 (from 2010 – 2011) – The number of service lines had been increased to 150 and the number of audio books production had also been raised. In addition, internet websites had been added as an alternative channel for service access in order to support the growing demands. Service users can simply register their membership at in order to access the audio books from the library. Also, new services had been introduced via Hotline 1414 such as Computer Clinic where visually impaired people can seek expert advice on computers and IT services, including Internet Speech Service for internet users who do not have a computer or smart device to be able to access the internet via any telephone device by simply dialing Hotline 1414 and select Internet Speech Menu before inputting data using the keyboard or voice instructions. The system will then read website results one by one.

Phase 3 (from 2012 – 2016) – This 5-year project had changed its name to “Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) via Telecommunications Network” through which additional 
service had been introduced under the name of “1414 Plus” to ensure that the telecommunications network utilization covers all aspects. Currently, “1414 Plus Services” include: 

Service No.1: Hotline 1414 is a type of service which users can select the required contents and services from the available menu such as news updates for the disabled, daily news from various newspapers and websites or This service channel can be accessed via automatic telephone system which is made available in 510 lines. Service No.2: Tab2Read is simply an audio book service available in DAISY format which can be accessed via where service users can listen to audio books online. However, this service is only for those who fulfilled the requirements and have membership registration.

Service No.3: Tab Radio is a type of reading service where information from books, printed materials and news are presented in radio program format and can be currently accessed through or Hotline 1414. It also includes application tab radio service to allow more convenient access to such information via Tablets and Smartphones. Today, TAB RADIO is on aired from Monday – Friday between 8 AM – 4 PM not including the programs that broadcasted on other radio stations such as The National Broadcasting Services of Thailand. 

TAB2Read Mobile- screenshot TAB2Read Mobile- screenshot thumbnail Image result for Tab2read

Service No.4: Audio Description is a type of service for providing audio descriptions for television programs, films and even shows to enable clearer understanding among the visually impaired, 
especially on the main contents of each program which had been presented through non-audio elements that cannot be accessed by the visually impaired. Hence, a special training session hosted by keynote speakers and experts from USA was organized and handbooks were distributed to help expand basic knowledge on such service. Furthermore, audio description for films was conducted and displayed in theatre as well as audio description for television programs, both of which are made available on 1414PLUS and TAB2Read.

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